McGill Quantum Optics & Sensing Lab

Current Research Areas
- Diamond Quantum Optics
- Quantum Optomechanics
- Dark-Matter Mechanical Sensing
- Quantum-Limited Medical Sensing
Open Positions
Our research group is always looking for motivated students and postdocs.
- Graduate and undergraduate positions are available to experimentally-inclined students with a background in physics or engineering
- Postdoctoral positions may be available for qualified applicants in a related field
Strong preference will be given to candidates enthusiastic about fostering a supportive environment for a diversity of population and perspectives. The best science comes from our combined efforts!
If you are interested, please feel free to send me an email at and / or indicate me as a potential supervisor on your application. Note the graduate application process at McGill Physics is a bit different from elsewhere: supervisors make offers directly to students, and students generally choose their supervisor & project when accepting.
Common Funding Opportunities
- Our Group
- NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NSERC Graduate Scholarships
- FRQNT Graduate Scholarships
- Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

McGill University, Canada's top ranked university, is located in the centre of downtown Montréal, a vibrant, artistic, dual-language city recently named the world's best city for students. McGill's primary language is English, and one can navigate the city in French or English. The cost of living is comparatively low, and graduate students generally live comfortably within walking distance of campus and downtown. There also exists a large network of bicycle paths, a bike-sharing program, and a viable mass transit system including subways, trains, buses, and "drive-and-leave" electric cars (operated with the same proxy card). Even with kids, we have not needed a car since we arrived, which is awesome. McGill, the Physics Department, and the Province of Québec work together to provide family-friendly policies for graduate students and postdocs.
Malte Welsch
Postdoctoral Fellow
Rutherford B024A
(514) 398-6142
Tommy Clark
Ph.D. Student
Rutherford B024
(514) 398-6142
Jiaxing Ma
Ph.D. Student
Rutherford B024A
(514) 398-6142
Minh Au
M.Sc. Student
Rutherford B024A
(514) 398-6142
Name |
Year(s) |
Level(s) |
Last Seen |
Rigel Zifkin |
Ph.D. |
Maggie Wang |
B.Sc. |
UToronto |
Adrian Solyom |
Ph.D. |
SB Quantum |
Vlad Calinescu |
B.Sc. |
McGill |
Echo |
Dog |
Doggy Heaven |
Vincent Dumont |
Ph.D. |
ETH Zurich |
Erika Janitz |
Postdoc |
ETH Zurich |
Pauline Pestre |
M.Sc. |
Thorlabs |
Michael Caouette-Monsour |
M.Sc. |
McGill |
Brandon Rufollo |
B.Sc. |
McGill |
Simon Bernard |
Ph.D. |
ChrysaLabs |
Julien Mégrourèche |
M.Sc. |
André Vallières |
M.Sc. |
Northwestern |
Stephane Leahy |
18F-19F |
Soundskrit Postdoc |
Soundskrit |
Ahmed Abdel Aziz |
18F-19F |
Soundskrit Postdoc |
Soundskrit |
Liam Scanlon |
19S |
B.Sc. |
Tristan Shoemaker |
19S |
B.Sc. |
Reem Mandil |
19W |
B.Sc. |
UToronto |
Juliette Geoffrion |
19W |
B.Sc. |
UToronto |
Aria Malhotra |
19W |
B.Sc. |
Antoine Neidecker |
19W |
B.Sc. |
Eduardo Ploerer |
19W |
B.Sc. |
UZurich |
Charles Moatti |
19W |
B.Sc. |
ETH Zurich |
Jiaxing Ma |
18S |
B.Sc. (Mitacs) |
Our group! |
Zhikai Huang |
18S |
B.Sc. (Mitacs) |
ETH Zurich |
Lucas Hak |
18S |
B.Sc. |
Jade LaBelle |
18W |
B.Sc. |
West Coast Library |
Dyuman Das |
18W |
B.Sc. |
Stanford |
Maerta Tschudin |
17F-18W |
M.Sc. (Intern) |
Basel |
Nathaniel Leitao |
17S-18W |
B.Sc. |
Harvard |
Raphael St-Gelais |
16F-17F |
Postdoc |
UOttawa Faculty |
Luke Hacquebard |
15S-17F |
M.Sc. |
NovaResp Tech |
Yannik Fontana |
15F-17F |
Postdoc |
Abeer Barasheed |
13F-17F |
Ph.D. |
KAU Faculty |
Christoph Reinhardt |
12F-17F |
M.Sc.-Ph.D. |
Airbus Defence/Space |
Yi He |
17F |
B.Sc. (Mitacs) |
Carnege Mellon |
Rasmus Jensen |
17S |
Ph.D. (Intern) |
Yang Xu |
17S |
B.Sc. (Mitacs) |
ETH Zurich |
Aidan Campbell |
17W |
B.Sc. |
Manchester U |
Thomas Camp |
17W |
B.Sc. |
Hiking |
Zack Flansberry |
13S-17W |
B.Sc.-M.Sc. |
ChrysaLabs |
Max Ruf |
13S-16F |
B.Sc. (Mitacs), M.Sc. |
TU Delft |
Yishu Zhou |
16S-F |
B.Sc. (Mitacs) |
Yale |
Souvik Biswas |
16S |
B.Sc. (Mitacs) |
Caltech |
Mark Dimmock |
14F-16S |
M.Sc. |
MDA Corp |
Isabelle Racicot |
15F-16W |
B.Sc. |
Quentin Pognan |
15F-16W |
B.Sc. |
Patrick O'Donoughue |
15F |
M.Sc. (Intern) |
Basel |
Anchal Gupta |
15S |
B.Sc. (Mitacs) |
Caltech |
Ian Jones-Mackling |
15S |
B.Sc. |
Leith Znaimer |
15S |
B.Sc. |
Vikramaditya Mathkar |
15S |
B.Sc. (Mitacs) |
ICICI Group |
Tina Müller |
13F-15S |
Postdoc |
Toshiba Quantum |
Loutfi Kuret |
13F-15S |
M.Sc. |
ZS |
Benjamin Crockett |
15W |
B.Sc. |
Alex Kato |
14S-15W |
B.Sc. |
ColdQuanta |
Kyle Johnson |
14F-15W |
B.Sc. |
UdeLyon |
Sara McCarthy |
13S-14W |
B.Sc. |
Alexandre Bourassa |
12S-15W |
B.Sc. |
UChicago IME |
Patrick O'Donoughue |
14S |
B.Sc. |
USherbrooke |
Ryan Bell |
14S |
B.Sc. |
BT Financial |
Ian Kivlichan |
14S |
B.Sc. |
Harvard |
Oulin Yu |
14S |
B.Sc. |
McGill |
Brennan MacDonald-de Neeve |
14S |
B.Sc. |
ETH Zurich |
Diana Jovmir |
14S |
B.Sc. |
McGill |
Étienne Bilocq |
14S |
B.Sc. |
Bogdan Piciu |
13F, 14S |
B.Sc. |
Chandra Curry |
13F-14W |
B.Sc. |
UAlberta/SLAC |
Andre Diamant-Boustead |
13F-14W |
B.Sc. |
McGill MPU |
Laurent René de Cotret |
13S-14W |
B.Sc. |
McGill |
André Provost |
13F |
B.Sc. |
Montrium |
Chris McNally |
12F-13F |
B.Sc. |
MIT Lincoln Labs |
Christian Keller |
13S |
B.Sc. (Intern) |
Heinrich-Heine |
Pericles Philippopoulos |
12F-13W |
B.Sc. |
McGill |
Julian Self |
12S-13W |
B.Sc. |
Dalhousie |
Xinyuan Zhang |
12S |
B.Sc. |
McGill |
- Assessing Students' Understanding of Uncertainty in Undergraduate Physics Laboratory Courses at a Major Canadian University: Longitudinal Results and Misconceptions
M. A. S. Pessôa, R. Brosseau, B. J. Dringoli, A. Yazdani, J. C. Sankey, T. Brunner, A. Colosimo, J. Barrington, K. Ragan, M. Slapcoff
arXiv:2412.15382 (2024)
- [Editor's Pick, Physics,] An optically defined phononic crystal defect
T. J. Clark, S. Bernard, J. Ma, V. Dumont, J. C. Sankey
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 226904 | arXiv:2403.08510 (2024)
- Radiation hardness of open Fabry-Pérot microcavities
F. C. Rodrigues-Machado, E. Janitz, S. Bernard, H. Bekerat, M. McEwen, J. Renaud, S. A. Enger, L. Childress, and J. C. Sankey
Optics Express 32, 10, 17189 | arXiv:2404.08787 (2024)
- HeLIOS: The Superfluid Helium Ultralight Dark Matter Detector
M. Hirschel, V. Vadakkumbatt, N. P. Baker, F. M. Schweizer, J. C. Sankey, S. Singh, J. P. Davis
Phys. Rev. D 109, 095011 | arXiv:2309.07995 (2023)
- High-Power Quantum-Limited Photodiode and Classical Laser Noise Squashing
V. Dumont, J. Ma, E. Eagan, J. C. Sankey
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123101 | arXiv:2308.02476 (2023)
- Single-spin spectroscopy of spontaneous and phase-locked spin torque oscillator dynamics
A. Solyom, M. Caouette-Mansour, B. Ruffolo, P. Braganca, L. Childress, J. C. Sankey
Phys. Rev. Appl. 20, 054055 | arXiv:2307.16049 (2023)
- Development of a hydrated electron dosimeter for radiotherapy applications: A proof of concept
J. Mégrourèche, H. Bekerat, J. Bian, A. Bui, J. C. Sankey, L. Childress, S. A. Enger
Medical Physics 2023, 1-7 (2023)
- GEANT4-DNA simulation of temperature-dependent and pH-dependent yields of chemical radiolytic species
J. Bian, J. Duran, W.-G. Shin, J. Ramos-Méndez, J. C. Sankey, L. Childress, J. Seuntjens, S. A. Enger
Phys. Med. & Biol. 68 124002 (2023)
- Radiation Dosimeter
S. A. Enger, J. C. Sankey (Childress), L. Childress, J. Megroureche
US Patent 11656369 (2023)
- Effects of incoming particle energy and cluster size on the G-value of hydrated electrons
A. Bui, H. Bekerat, L. Childress, J. C. Sankey, J. Seuntjens, S. A. Enger
Physica Medica 107, 102540 (2023)
- Asymmetry-based quantum backaction suppression in quadratic optomechanics
V. Dumont, H.-K. Lau, A. A. Clerk, J. C. Sankey
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 063604 | arXiv:2203.00631 (2022)
- Robust spin relaxometry with fast adaptive Bayesian estimation
M. Caouette-Mansour, A. Solyom, B. Ruffolo, R. D. McMichael, J. C. Sankey, L. Childress
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 064031 | arXiv:2202.12218 (2022)
- Sideband cavity absorption readout (SideCAR) with a robust frequency lock
F. C. Rodrigues-Machado, P. Pestre, V. Dumont, E. Janitz, L. Scanlon, S. A. Enger, L. Childress, J. C. Sankey
Optics Express 30, 2, 754-767 | arXiv:2110.02888 (2022)
- Spins strain to see the light
L. Childress, J. C. Sankey
Nature Physics News & Views (2021)
- A mechanically stable and tunable cryogenic Fabry–Pérot microcavity
Y. Fontana, R. Zifkin, E. Janitz. C. D. Rodríguez Rosenblueth, L. Childress
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 053906 | arXiv:2103.04823 (2021)
- Monitored wet-etch removal of individual dielectric layers from high-finesse Bragg mirrors
S. Bernard, T. J. Clark, V. Dumont, J. Ma, J. C. Sankey
Optics Express 28, 33823 | arXiv:2006.12303 (2020)
- Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Color Centers in Diamond
E. Janitz, M. H. Bhaskar, L. Childress
Optica 7, 10, 1232 (2020)
- Cavity-Enhanced Photon Emission from a Single Germanium-Vacancy Center in a Diamond Membrane
R. H. Jensen, E. Janitz, Y. Fontana, Y. He, O. Gobron, I. P. Radko, M. Bhaskar, R. Evans, C. D. R. Rosenblueth, L. Childress, A. Huck, and U. L. Andersen
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 064016 | arXiv:1912.05247 (2020)
- Development of a hydrated electron dosimeter for radiotherapy applications
J. Mégrourèche, L. Childress, J. C. Sankey, S. Enger
(Conference proceedings) Medical Physics 46, 6 E411-E412 (2019).
- Analysis of membrane phononic crystals with wide bandgaps and low-mass defects
C. Reetz, R. Fischer, G. G. T. Assumpcao, D. P. McNally, P. S. Burns, J. C. Sankey, C. A. Regal
Phys. Rev. Applied 12 044027 | arXiv:1906.11273 (2019)
- [Editor's Pick] Flexure-Tuned Membrane-at-the-Edge Optomechanical System
V. Dumont, S. Bernard, C. Reinhardt, A. Kato, M. Ruf, J. C. Sankey
Optics Express 27 25731-25748 | arXiV:1905.04594 (2019)
- Swept-Frequency Drumhead Mechanical Resonators
R. St-Gelais, S. Bernard, C. Reinhardt, J. C. Sankey
ACS Photonics 2019 6 (2), 525 | arXiv:1808.10084 (2019)
- Probing a Spin Transfer Controlled Magnetic Nanowire with a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Spin in Bulk Diamond
A. Solyom, Z. Flansberry, M. A. Tschudin, N. Leitao, M. Pioro-Ladrière, J. C. Sankey, L. I. Childress
Nano Letters 2018 18 (10), 6494 | arXiv:1807.03411 (2018)
- Charge state dynamics during excitation and depletion of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond
L. Hacquebard, L. Childress
Phys. Rev. A 97 063408 | arXiv:1806.09191 (2018)
- Cavity Optomechanics in a Levitated Helium Drop
L. Childress, M. P. Schmidt, A. D. Kashkanova, C. D. Brown, G. I. Harris, A. Aiello, F. Marquardt, J. G. E. Harris
Phys. Rev. A 96, 063842 | arXiv:1708.01803 (2017)
- High Mechanical Bandwidth Fiber-Coupled Fabry-Perot Cavity
E. Janitz, M. Ruf, Y. Fontana, J. Sankey, L. Childress
Opt. Express 25 20932-20943 | arXiv:1706.09843 (2017)
- Optomechanics in superfluid helium coupled to a fiber-based cavity
A. D. Kashkanova, A. B. Shkarin, C. D. Brown, N. E. Flowers-Jacobs, L. Childress, S. W. Hoch, L. Hohmann, K. Ott, J. Reichel and J. G. E. Harris
Journal of Optics (Special Issue on Nano-Optomechanics) 19, 034001 (2017) | arXiv:1609.07025 (2017)
- Superfluid Brillouin optomechanics
A. D. Kashkanova, A. B. Shkarin, C. D. Brown, N. E. Flowers-Jacobs, L. Childress, S. W. Hoch, L. Hohmann, K. Ott, J. Reichel and J. G. E. Harris
Nature Physics 13, 74-79 | arXiv:1602.05640 (2017)
- Etch-Tuning and Design of Photonic Crystal Reflectors
S.Bernard, C. Reinhardt, V. Dumont, Y.-A. Peter, J. C. Sankey
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online), paper JTu5A.127 (2017)
- [Editor's Pick] Simple High-Bandwidth Sideband Locking with Heterodyne Readout
C. Reinhardt, T.Müller, J. C. Sankey
Opt. Express 25 1582-1597 | arXiv:1610.01631 (2017)
- Maximal adaptive-decision speedups in quantum-state readout
B. D'Anjou, L. Kuret, L. Childress and W. A. Coish
Physical Review X 6, 011017 | arXiv:1507.06846 (2016)
- Precision Resonance Tuning and Design of Photonic Crystal Reflectors
S. Bernard, C. Reinhardt, V. Dumont, Y.-A. Peter, J. C. Sankey
Opt Letters 41 5624-5627 | arXiv:1609.00858 (2016)
- [Editor's Suggestion] Quantum backaction and noise interference in asymmetric two-cavity optomechanical systems
Y. Yanay, J. C. Sankey, A. A. Clerk
Phys. Rev. A 93 063809 | arXiv:1604.01703 (2016)
- Optically Defined Mechanical Geometry
A. Z. Barasheed,T. Müller, J. C. Sankey
Phys. Rev. A 93 053811 | arXiv:1511.06193 (2016)
- [Viewpoint, Science Editor's Choice] Ultralow-Noise SiN Trampoline MEMS for Sensing and Optomechanics
C. Reinhardt, T. Müller, A. Bourassa, J. C. Sankey
Phys. Rev. X 6 021001 | arXiv:1511.01769 (2016)
- Efficient signal processing for time-resolved fluorescence detection of nitrogen-vacancy spins in diamond
A. Gupta, L. Hacquebard and L. Childress
J. Opt. Soc. America B 33, B28 | arXiv:1511.04407 (2016)
- A Fabry-Perot Microcavity for Diamond-Based Photonics
E. Janitz, M. Ruf, M. Dimock, A. Bourassa, J. C. Sankey, L. Childress
Phys. Rev. A 92 043844 | arxiv:1508.06588 (2015)
- [Editor's Suggestion] Enhanced Optomechanical Levitation of Minimally Supported Dielectrics
T. Müller, C. Reinhardt, J. C. Sankey
Phys. Rev. A 91 153849 | arXiv:1412.7733 (2015)
- Atom-like defects: from quantum computers to biological sensors
L. Childress, R. Walsworth and M. Lukin
Physics Today, 67, 38 (2014)
- Diamond dynamics under control
L. Childress
Science 345, 1247 (2014)
- Mechanical Resonators in the Middle of an Optical Cavity
Ivan Favero, Jack Sankey, Eva Weig
Book Chapter in Cavity Optomechanics, edited by Markus Aspelmeyer, Tobias Kippenberg, & Florian Marquardt, Copyright Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014)
- [Nature News] Heralded entanglement between solid-state qubits separated by 3 meters
H. Bernien, B. Hensen, W. Pfaff, G. Koolstra, M. S. Blok, L. Robledo, T. H. Taminiau, M. Markham, D. J. Twitchen, L. Childress, R. Hanson
Nature 497, 86 | arXiv:1212.6136 (2013)
- Diamond NV centers for quantum computing and quantum networks
L. Childress and R. Hanson
Bulletin 38, 134 (2013)
- [Synopsis] Two-photon quantum interference from separate nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond
H. Bernien, L. Childress, L. Robledo, M. Markham, D. Twitchen, and R. Hanson
Phys. Rev. Lett 108, 043604 | arXiv:1110.3329 (2012)
- Cryogenic Optomechanics with a Si3N4 Membrane and Classical Laser Noise
*A. M. Jayich, *J. C. Sankey, *K. Børkje, D. Lee, C. Yang, M. Underwood, L. Childress, A. Petrenko, S. M. Girvin, J. G. E Harris
New J. Phys. Focus on Optomechanics 14 115018 | arXiv:1209.2730 (2012)
- Fiber-Cavity-Based Optomechanical Device
N. E. Flowers-Jacobs, S. W. Hoch, J. C. Sankey, A. Kashkanova, A. M. Jayich, C. Deutsch, J. Reichel, J. G. E. Harris
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 221109 | arXiv:1206.3558 (2012)
- Optomechanics in a Fiber Cavity
N. E. Flowers-Jacobs, J. C. Sankey, A. Kashkanova, S. W. Hoch, A. M. Jayich, C. Deutsch, J. Reichel, & J. G. E. Harris
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2012)
- [News and Views] High-fidelity projective read-out of a solid-state spin quantum register
*L. Robledo, *L. Childress, *H. Bernien, B. Hensen, P.F.A. Alkemade, and R. Hanson
Nature 477, 574 | arXiv:1301.0392 (2011)
- Carbon-13 hyperfine interactions in the nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond
B. Smeltzer, A. Gali and L. Childress
New J. Phys. 13, 025021 (2011)
- Resolved Sideband Laser Cooling of a Cryogenic Micromechanical Membrane
A. M. Jayich, J. C. Sankey, A. A. Petrenko, J. G. E. Harris
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2011)
- Strong and tunable optomechanical coupling in a low-loss system
J. C. Sankey, C. Yang, B. M. Zwickl, A. M. Jayich, J. G. E. Harris
Nature Physics 6 707–712 | arXiv:1002.4158 (2010)
- [Kaleidoscope] Multifrequency spin resonance in diamond
L. Childress and J. McIntyre
Phys. Rev. A. 82, 033839 | arXiv:1008.1103 (2010)
- Quantum entanglement between an optical photon and a solid-state spin qubit
E. Togan, Y. Chu, A. S. Trifonov, L. Jiang, J. Maze, L. Childress, M. V. G. Dutt, A. Sørensen, P. R. Hemmer, A. S. Zibrov, M. D. Lukin
Nature 466, 730 (2010)
- Robust control of individual nuclear spins in diamond
B. Smeltzer, J. McIntyre, L. Childress
Phys. Rev. A 80, 050302 (2009)
- Improved “Position-Squared” Readout Using Degenerate Cavity Modes
J. C. Sankey, A. M. Jayich, B. M. Zwickl, C. Yang, J. G. E. Harris
Proc. XXI Intl. Conf. Atomic Phys. | arXiv:0811.1343 (2009)
- High-sensitivity diamond magnetometer with nanoscale resolution
J.M. Taylor, P. Cappellaro, L. Childress, L. Jiang, D. Budker, P.R. Hemmer, A. Yacoby, R. Walsworth, M.D. Lukin
Nature Physics 4, 810 | arXiv:0805.1367 (2008)
- Coherence of an optically illuminated single nuclear spin qubit
L. Jiang, M. V. Gurudev Dutt, E. Togan, L. Childress, P. Cappellaro, J. M. Taylor, M.D. Lukin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 073001 | arXiv:0707.1341 (2008)
- Dispersive Optomechanics: A Membrane Inside a Cavity
A. M. Jayich, J. C. Sankey, B. M. Zwickl, C. Yang, J. D. Thompson, S. M. Girvin, A. A. Clerk, F. Marquardt, J. G. E. Harris
New J. Phys. 10 095008 | arXiv:0805.3723 (2008)
- Linear Optical Properties of a High-Finesse Cavity Dispersively Coupled to a Micromechanical Membrane
J. G. E. Harris, A. M. Jayich, B. M. Zwickl, C. Yang, and J. C. Sankey
in SPIE 6907 (2008)
- Strong Linewidth Variation for Spin-Torque Nano-Oscillators as a Function of In-Plane Magnetic Field Angle
K. V. Thadani, G. Finocchio, Z.-P. Li, O. Ozatay, J. C. Sankey, I. N. Krivorotov, Y.-T. Cui, R. A. Buhrman, D. C. Ralph
Phys. Rev. B 78 024409 | arXiv:0803.2871 (2008)
- Resonant Spin-Transfer-Driven Switching of Magnetic Devices Assisted by Microwave Current Pulses
Y.-T. Cui, J. C. Sankey, C. Wang, K. V. Thadani, Z.-P. Li, R. A. Buhrman, D. C. Ralph
Phys. Rev. B 77 214440 | arXiv:0803.2880 (2008)
- Measurement of the Spin-Transfer Torque Vector in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
J. C. Sankey, Y.-T. Cui, R. A. Buhrman, D. C. Ralph, J. Z. Sun, and J. C. Slonczewski
Nature Physics 4, 67-71 | arXiv:0705.4207 (2008)
- Quantum register based on individual electronic and nuclear spin qubits in diamond
*M. V. Gurudev Dutt, *L. Childress, L. Jiang, E. Togan, J. Maze, F. Jelezko, A. S. Zibrov, P. R. Hemmer, and M. D. Lukin
Science 316, 1312 (2007)
- Magnetic vortex oscillator driven by d.c. spin-polarized current
V. S. Pribiag, I. N. Krivorotov, G. D. Fuchs, P. M. Braganca, O. Ozatay, J. C. Sankey, D. C. Ralph, and R. A. Buhrman
Nature Physics 3, 498-503 | arXiv:cond-mat/0702253 (2007)
- Large-amplitude coherent spin waves excited by spin-polarized current in nanoscale spin valves
I. N. Krivorotov, D. V. Berkov, N. L. Gorn, N. C. Emley, J. C. Sankey, D. C. Ralph, and R. A. Buhrman
Phys. Rev. B 76, 024418 (2007)
- Spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements of damping in nanomagnets
G. D. Fuchs, J. C. Sankey, V. S. Pribiag, L. Qian, P. M. Braganca, A. G. F. Garcia, E. M. Ryan, Z.-P. Li, O. Ozatay, D. C. Ralph, and R. A. Buhrman
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 062507 | arXiv:cond-mat/0703577 (2007)
- Large-amplitude coherent spin waves exited by spin-polarized current in nanoscale spin valves
I. N. Krivorotov, D. V. Berkov, N. L. Gorn, N. C. Emley, J. C. Sankey, D. C. Ralph, R. A. Buhrman
Phys. Rev. B 76 024418 | arXiv:cond-mat/0703458 (2007)
- Coherent dynamics of coupled electron and nuclear spin qubits in diamond
*L. Childress, *M. V. Gurudev Dutt, J. M. Taylor, A. S. Zibrov, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup, P. R. Hemmer, and M. D. Lukin
Science 314, 281 (2006)
- Time-resolved spin-torque switching and enhanced damping in Permalloy / Cu / Permalloy spin-valve nanopillars
N. C. Emley, I. N. Krivorotov, O. Ozatay, A. G. F. Garcia, J. C. Sankey, D. C. Ralph, and R. A. Buhrman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 247204 | arXiv:cond-mat/0510798 (2006)
- Spin-transfer-driven ferromagnetic resonance of individual nanomagnets
J. C. Sankey, P. M. Braganca, A. G. F. Garcia, I. N. Krivorotov, R. A. Buhrman, and D. C. Ralph
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 227601 | arXiv:cond-mat/0602105 (2006)
- Fault-tolerant quantum communication based on solid-state photon emitters
L. Childress, J.M. Taylor, A.S. Sorensen, M.D. Lukin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 070504 | arXiv:quant-ph/0410123 (2006)
- Fault-tolerant quantum repeaters with minimal physical resources, and implementations based on single photon emitters
L. Childress, J.M. Taylor, A.S. Sorensen, M.D. Lukin
Phys. Rev. A 72, 052330 | arXiv:quant-ph/0502112 (2005)
- Mechanisms limiting the coherence time of spontaneous magnetic oscillations driven by DC spin-polarized currents
J. C. Sankey, I. N. Krivorotov, S. I. Kiselev, P. M. Braganca, N. C. Emley, R. A. Buhrman, and D. C. Ralph
Phys. Rev. B 72 224427 | arXiv:cond-mat/0505733 (2005)
- Reducing the critical current for short-pulse spin-transfer switching of nanomagnets
P. M. Braganca, I. N. Krivorotov, O. Ozatay, A. G. F. Garcia, N. C. Emley, J. C. Sankey, D. C. Ralph, and R. A. Buhrman
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- Spin-transfer excitations of permalloy nanopillars for large applied currents
S. I. Kiselev, J. C. Sankey, I. N. Krivorotov, N. C. Emley, A. G. F. Garcia, R. A. Buhrman, and D. C. Ralph
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- Time-domain measurements of nanomagnet dynamics driven by spin-transfer torques
I. N. Krivorotov, N. C. Emley, J. C. Sankey, S. I. Kiselev, D. C. Ralph, and R. A. Buhrman
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- Shaping quantum pulses of light via coherent atomic memory
M. D.Eisaman, L. Childress, A. Andre, F. Massou, A. S.Zibrov, and M. D. Lukin
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- Mesoscopic cavity quantum electrodynamics with quantum dots
L. Childress, A. S. Sørensen, and M. D. Lukin
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- Capacitative coupling of atomic systems to mesoscopic conductors
A. Sørensen, C. H. van der Wal, L. Childress, M. D. Lukin
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- Differential charge sensing and charge delocalization in a tunable double quantum dot
L. DiCarlo, H. J. Lynch, A. C. Johnson, L. Childress, K. Crockett, C. M. Marcus, M. P. Hanson, A. C. Gossard
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- Modeling of gravity-wave tail spectra in the middle atmosphere via numerical and Doppler-spread methods
C. O. Hines, L. Childress, J. B. Kinney, and M. P. Sulzer
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- Temperature dependence of spin-transfer-induced switching of nanomagnets
I. N. Krivorotov, N. C. Emley, A. G. F. Garcia, J. C. Sankey, S. I. Kiselev, D. C. Ralph, and R. A. Buhrman
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- Spin-transfer effects in nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions
G. D. Fuchs, N. C. Emley, I. N. Krivorotov, P. M. Braganca, E. M. Ryan, S. I. Kiselev, J. C. Sankey, D. C. Ralph, R. A. Buhrman, and J. A. Katine
App. Phys. Lett.85, 1205 | arXiv:cond-mat/0404002 (2004)
- Current-induced nanomagnetic dynamics for magnetic fields perpendicular to the sample plane
S. I. Kiselev, J. C. Sankey, I. N. Krivorotov, N. C. Emley, M. Rinkoski, C. Perez, R. A. Buhrman, and D. C. Ralph
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 036601 | arXiv:cond-mat/0403100 (2004)
- Microwave oscillations of a nanomagnet driven by a spin-polarized current
*S. I. Kiselev, *J. C. Sankey, I. N. Krivorotov, N. C. Emley, R. J. Schoelkopf, R. A. Buhrman, and D. C. Ralph
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- Thermally activated magnetic reversal induced by a spin-polarized current
E. B. Myers, F. J. Albert, J. C. Sankey, E. Bonet, R. A. Burhman, and D. C. Ralph
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 196801 (2002)
- Singular potentials and limit cycles
S.R. Beane, P.F. Bedaque, L. Childress, A. Kryjevski, J. McGuire, and U. van Kolck
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- Observation of a shadow of the Moon in underground muon flux in the Soudan 2 detector
J. H. Cobb et al
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* Equally contributing authors
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Jack's talk: Localization